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CPD Course:
Notarial Practice
Relevant to Lawyers

Presented by
Mr. Jacky Lee,
Solicitor, Notary Public,
China-Appointed Attesting Officer,
Johnnie Yam, Jacky Lee & Co.,
Solicitors & Notaries

Notarial Practice Relevant to Lawyers
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Code: EVT000000041 Level: Intermediate
Date: 18 October 2014 (Saturday) Language: Cantonese
(Course Materials mainly in English
with some contents in Chinese)
Time: 11:00 - 13:10 Accreditation(s): LSHK 2.0 CPD Points
Venue: Request for Rerun:
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Presenter's Profile:
Mr. Jacky Lee
Solicitor, Notary Public, China-Appointed Attesting Officer
Partner, Johnnie Yam, Jacky Lee & Co., Solicitors & Notaries

Mr. Lee is a practising solicitor of the High Court of HKSAR and a non-practising solicitor of England & Wales.  Mr. Lee is also practising as a China-Appointed Attesting Officer (中國委托公証人) and Notary Public.  His areas of practice include notarial practice as well as the related international and cross-borders private law practice.

Course Outline:

Notarial practice is relevant to the practice of all professionals whose documents are required for use in a foreign jurisdiction.  For lawyers, basic knowledge regarding how notarial practice works is essential, in particular if their practices or their clients’ businesses need to meet the requirements of both local and foreign jurisdictions.  Moreover, cross-border notarization matters between Hong Kong and Mainland China would be discussed.

The course covers the following:

  • Background
    1. History of Notary Public
    2. What is a Notary Public?
    3. Why notary public services are required?
    4. The China-Appointed Attesting Officers System (中國委託公証人制度)
    5. Comparison of the 2 systems
  • Notarial Practice Relevant to Lawyers
    1. Certifying the Legal Status
    2. Certifying the Legal Capacity
    3. Certified copy
    4. Legalization
    5. Apostille and Hague Convention

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