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CPD Course:
Mediate for Reaching
Win-Win Resolutions
with NLP

Presented by
Dr. Harry Wong,
Doctor of Applied Psychology
(American Pacific University),
Master of Accounting
(University of Waterloo),
HKIAC & HKMAAL General Mediator,
ABNLP Certified NLP Master Trainer,
Dispute Facilitator, Business Coach,
Psychotherapist and Author

Mediate for Reaching Win-Win Resolutions with NLP
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Code: EVT000000053 Level: Intermediate
Date: 29 May 2015 (Friday) (Amended) Language: English
Time: 09:30 - 12:45
(Reception starts at 09:00)
Accreditation(s): LSHK 3.0 CPD Points
(LSHK Allocated Number: 20150023)
HKMAAL 3.0 CPD Points
HKIAC 3.0 CPD Points for
Accredited Mediators
Venue: Request for Rerun:
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Presenter's Profile:
Dr. Harry Wong

  • Doctor of Applied Psychology, American Pacific University
  • Master of Accounting, University of Waterloo
  • Accredited HKIAC & HKMAAL General Mediator
  • Greater China 1st and only ABNLP Certified NLP Master Trainer
  • China 1st approved training institute and certified coach trainer at Master Level
  • Fellow certified public accountant of HKICPA
  • Chartered professional accountant of CICA
  • Dispute facilitator, business coach, psychotherapist and author
  • Trained and facilitated over 29,000 professionals and management on conflict resolutions, communication enhancement, leadership, team alignment and mindset management
  • Key corporate clients include HSBC, Citibank, Zurich, Disney, Philips, Hong Kong Jockey Club, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, etc.
  • Lecturer for Tsinghua University on business psychology and invited guest speakers for HKUST, CU Alumni and Australian Graduate School of Management, Po Leung Kuk, etc.

Course Outline:
“A mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is opened”

In nowadays society, conflicts between parties have become part of our daily life both professionally and personally.  Conflicts may not only dampen our interpersonal relationships with stakeholders, affect productivity, but also financial loss if not handled properly.

A constructive and facilitated mediation process helps the parties involved gain a better understanding of each other’s concerns, causes for the disputes, provide opportunities for meeting each other’s practical and psychological needs and restore personal and business relationships.

Whilst mediation is gaining its exponential demand in the legal field in reaching mutually acceptable solutions, it will be highly beneficial that legal professionals and business managers gain a good understanding about the structural process and the necessary NLP mindset and skills involved in resolving conflicts and making sound decisions for reaching win-win resolutions.

By the end of the 3-hour workshop, you will:

  • Be aware of the key essences of mediation and its relevance to you as lawyers and business managers
  • Know how conflict arises and the causes of conflicts
  • Learn how the mediation structural process and skills help you communicate better professionally
  • Know how to deal with assertive and difficult conversations

How would NLP be incorporated into the content of the event?

Mediation focuses a lot on having an attitude and mindset that is neutral (vs. taking side or making an arbitrational decision on an issue at hand. This is especially critical for lawyers who tend to be subjective in the best interest of their clients. In addition, mediation is much different from traditional legal cases and scenarios where lawyers tend to make statements and be expressive; mediation, on the other hand, focuses a lot on active listening and asking the next right question to unfold what's inside the parties' mind.

The event will utilise the effectiveness of NLP both in mindset and communication refinement to enable lawyers and attendees to gain a more neutral and comprehensive ability to handle a mediation, which in many ways, different than those being handled in court.

As a reference, the definition of NLP is as follows:

  • NEURO - Understand the thinking mind and processing system of self and others
  • LINGUISTIC - Use verbal and non-verbal language to package the message we want to communicate
  • PROGRAMMING - Discover and utilise the self and others' formula to stimulate synergy and achieve success among parties involved

How an accredited mediator would benefit from the event, ie. In comparison with the contents covered by the 40-hours mediation training course?

One of the key success factors in facilitating a successful mediation (as covered in the 40-hours mediation training course) is the famous NLP tool/concept called REFRAMING. While the 40-hours mediation training course had mentioned and highlighted the importance of this tool/concept, this workshop will extend this tool to allow the participants have the opportunity to deepen the understanding of this highly effective tool in addition to applying it in mediation via practical application via exercises and group discussion in the workshop.

Moreover, while the 40-hours mediation training course focuses a lot on relevant skills and effective framework in facilitating a mediation process, through a better understanding of the key beliefs of NLP, lawyers and accredited mediator will benefit from attending this event by knowing how human beings function and how their thinking logic can affect the outcome of the mediation, especially on the psychological need.

This course is supported by:  Kornerstone Limited
The Profectional Company Limited
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