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CPD/CPT Course:
Islamic Finance
for Beginners

Presented by
Mr. Eddy Ko,
Falcon Management Consultancy

Islamic Finance for Beginners
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Code: EVT000000087 Level: Standard
Date: 23 October 2015 (Friday) Language: Cantonese
(Course Materials in English)
Time: 14:30 - 17:45
(Reception starts at 14:00)
Accreditation(s): LSHK 3.0 CPD Points
(LSHK Allocated Number: 20152595)
SFC 3.0 CPT Hours
Venue: Request for Rerun:
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Presenter's Profile:
Mr. Eddy Ko

Eddy Ko set up Falcon Management Consultancy Limited (Hong Kong) in 2015 to serve those prestige corporate and private clients in the region.

Prior setting up his business, he joined Labuan IBFC after 20 years of business exposure in the Hong Kong and Chinese markets, particularly in the construction, telecommunication and energy sectors.  Prior to his appointment, he was Head of China projects at Towngas International Co. Ltd. and provided consultancy services on cross border acquisitions.

Eddy Ko represented Labuan IBFC on 18 March 2013 at the Bills Committee meeting at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on the proposed amendments to the Inland Revenue and Stamp Duty Legislation (Alternative Bond Schemes) (Amendment) Bill 2012.

Eddy Ko is a qualified accountant and company secretary in Hong Kong and UK, with a master degree from Warwick Business School.  He first involved in China business since 1992 with presence in many parts of China including Fujian, Henan, Shanxi, Shandong and Shanghai.  He worked for blue chip companies and was responsible for acquisitions and management of joint venture entities there.

Other career highlights include his involvement in the Cable & Wireless CSL - PCCW acquisition and PCCW CSL - Telstra acquisition in Hong Kong as well as advising China Mobile's ERP projects in various regions in China.

Course Outline:

This course aims for audience who wants basic understanding to Islamic Finance.

These topics will be covered in the course:

  • Why Islamic Finance?
  • Basic introduction on the proposed amendments to the Inland Revenue and Stamp Duty Legislation (Alternative Bond Schemes) (Amendment) Bill 2012
  • Islamic Finance: opportunities and risk
  • Basic introduction on Islamic REIT
  • Business cases and overseas situation
  • Discussion

This course is supported by:  Kornerstone Limited
The Profectional Company Limited
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