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CPD Course:
Contentious Probate

Presented by
Mr. Nelson Miu,
Ms Angie Yan,
Sir Oswald Cheung’s Chambers

Contentious Probate
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Code: EVT000000153 Level: Intermediate
Date: 4 October 2016 (Tuesday) Language: English
Time: 14:30 - 17:45
(Reception starts at 14:00)
Accreditation(s): LSHK 3.0 CPD Points
(LSHK Allocated Number: 20162864)
Venue: Request for Rerun:
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Presenter's Profile:
Mr. Nelson Miu

Mr. Nelson Miu received his BS degree from Yale University, and his LLB and LLM degrees from the University of London.  He was called to the Bar by the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn in 1988.  He joined Sir Oswald Cheung’s Chambers in 1989.  He has appeared in over 50 contentious probate cases, of which 15 have been reported in the law reports (HKLRD and HKC).

Mr. Miu has since 2008 been the External Examiner/External Academic Advisor (the Bar’s Representative) for Property and Probate Practice for the PCLL courses of the 3 local universities.

Presenter's Profile:
Ms Angie Yan

Ms Angie Yan graduated from the University of Cambridge with a BA (Hons) in Law in 2013 and was awarded the Charles Ching Memorial Scholarship (granted by the Hong Kong Bar Association) in 2014.  She joined the Hong Kong Bar and Sir Oswald Cheung’s Chambers in 2015.

Course Objective:

When does probate business become contentious? In what ways do probate actions differ from other civil proceedings? What are the usual grounds of challenging a Will? What kinds of marriages are recognized and what do they entail? What are Administration Actions?

This course will cover the following:

  • Probate Action: nature, parties, mode of discontinuance, role of court, when costs do not follow the event.
  • Grounds of Challenging a Will: execution, testamentary capacity, knowledge and approval, fraud and undue influence.
  • Kinds of Marriages: registry marriages, Chinese customary marriages, modern marriages, kim tiu marriages, section 38 marriages, voidable marriages under the Civil Code.
  • Administration Actions: the versatile Order 85 rule 2: construction of Will, Beddoe applications, compelling the personal representatives to act.

This course is provided by:  Kornerstone Limited
The Profectional Company Limited
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