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Our Presenters

The Profectional Company invites only the most distinguished presenters to speak in our CPD courses, they are renowned and experienced in their respective field.  Click on the links below for their brief biography and the relevant CPD courses that they are delivering.

If you are an expert in your profession, why not share your valuable experiences by presenting a CPD course for us? We provide a great platform for you to meet and influence important people in the industry, check out some of our past attendees here.  An honourarium may be provided as a courtesy of your valuable support.

To find out more details on speaking opportunities and how to participate in our CPD courses, please write to us via the form below.

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Mr. Peter Barnes Mr. Peter Barnes
Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers
Mr. Stephen D. Barnes Mr. Stephen D. Barnes
Co-Founder, Hong Kong Visa Centre
Mr. Mitchell Birks Mr. Mitchell Birks
Associate, Angela Wang & Co.
Dr. Melanie Bryan Dr. Melanie Bryan
Doctoral Level Clinical Psychologist
Couples & Family Therapist
Changing Lifestyles & Divorce & Post-Divorce Coach
Collaborative Divorce Consultant
Mind Matters Limited
Prof. Julien Chaisse Prof. Julien Chaisse
Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. Chak Hing Chung, Eric Dr. Chak Hing Chung, Eric
Specialist of Orthopedic & Traumatology
Mr. Eddie S. Chan Mr. Eddie S. Chan
Prof. Emil Chan Prof. Emil Chan
FinTech Evangelist
FinTech Committee Chairman, Smart City Consortium
Mr. Raymond Chan Mr. Raymond Chan
Chief Executive Officer & Director, Metaverse Securities Limited
Mr. Alan H.H. Cheung Mr. Alan H.H. Cheung
FCPA, SD(Insolvency), CTA
Principal of Restructuring Services, Wing United CPA Limited
Mr. Dicky Cheung Mr. Dicky Cheung
Barrister, Garden Chambers
The Late Dr. Eric Cheung Kwan-Ming
Permanent Magistrate, Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts
Ms Vivian Chih Ms Vivian Chih
Barrister-at-Law, Justice Chambers
Dr. James Chiu Dr. James Chiu
General Surgeon
Ms Winnie Chiu Ms Winnie Chiu
Partner, Yang & Yang Solicitors LLP
Mr. Eddie Chou Mr. Eddie Chou
Serial Entrepreneur
Blockchain Educator
Certified Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Investigator
Mr. Kenneth Chow
Accredited Mediator
Mediation Instructor & Assessor
CEDR Trained Assessor
Committee Member of Education and Professional Training Committee, Hong Kong Mediation Centre
Committee Member of Assessment and Accreditation Committee, Hong Kong Mediation Centre
Mr. Mohan Datwani Mr. Mohan Datwani
LLB, LLM, MBA (Distinction) (Iowa), FCIS, FCS
Accredited Mediator
Member, Financial Reporting Review Panel
Member, Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)
Director, Technical and Research,
The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)
Ms Aisling Dwyer Ms Aisling Dwyer
Associate, Maples and Calder
Mr. Robin Egerton Mr. Robin Egerton
Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers
Mr. Guy Facey Mr. Guy Facey
Partner, Facey & Associates
Prof. Fan Kun Prof. Fan Kun
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MCIArb, Mediator, Arbitrator
Domain Name Panelist
Dr. Danny Friedmann Dr. Danny Friedmann
Author, Trademarks and Social Media
Founder & Editor, IP Dragon
Ms Fanny Fung
LLM, MBA, GDipIns, BBA(Hons)
Accredited Mediator
Mediation Senior Instructor & Assessor
CEDR Trained Assessor
Committee Member of Education and Professional Training Committee, Hong Kong Mediation Centre
Committee Member of Assessment and Accreditation Committee, Hong Kong Mediation Centre
Chartered Insurer, ACII, ANZIIF(Fellow) CIP
Prof. Steven Gallagher Prof. Steven Gallagher
Professor of Practice in Law, Associate Dean (Academic & Student Affairs),
The Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Clive Grossman, Q.C., S.C. Mr. Clive Grossman, Q.C., S.C.
Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers
Dr. Stephen Hall Dr. Stephen Hall
LLB (Qld), LLM (Hons) (UTS), DPhil (Oxon)
Professor, Faculty of Law,
Fellow, C.W. Chu College,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Derek Hu Mr. Derek Hu
Barrister-at-Law, Cheng Huan Q.C., S.C.'s Chambers<
Mr. Dmitri Hubbard Mr. Dmitri Hubbard
General Counsel, Blue Dragon Asia
Ms Cherry Hui Ms Cherry Hui
Former Deputy Magistrate
Mr. Peter Huth-Wallis Mr. Peter Huth-Wallis
Senior Associate, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Mr. Ip Ho Kin, Honic Mr. Ip Ho Kin, Honic
Accredited General and Family Mediator
Professional Victim-Offender Mediator
Parenting Coordinator
Part-time Lecturer, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Part-time Lecturer, HKU SPACE
Mr. Christopher Jacobs
Barrister-at-Law, Landmark Chambers
Miss Ada Kam
Former Chief Inspector of Police
Solicitor, Messrs. S.H. Chan & Co.
Mr. Eddy Ko Mr. Eddy Ko
Director, Falcon Management Consultancy Limited
Mr. Jason Ko Mr. Jason Ko
Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang's Chambers
Mr. Jacky Lai Mr. Jacky Lai
HKIAC & HKMAAL Accredited Mediator
Ms Caroline Langley Ms Caroline Langley
Barrister-at-Law, Attorney-at-Law, Mediator, Trinity Chambers
NITA Certified Trainer
Fellow, International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Co-Chair, ABA International Section Family Committee
Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Family Law Association
Chair, ABA Hong Kong City Chapter
Mr. Lewis C.M. Law Mr. Lewis C.M. Law
Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers
Dr. Alan W.K. Lee Dr. Alan W.K. Lee
Director, Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Ms Carol Lee Ms Carol Lee
Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang's Chambers
Mr. Jacky Lee
Notary Public
China-Appointed Attesting Officer
Partner, Johnnie Yam, Jacky Lee & Co., Solicitors & Notaries
Mr. Jimmy Lee Mr. Jimmy Lee
CFA, CPA (Practising), CFP, LLMArbDR, MBA
Dr. John Lee Dr. John Lee
BBA(Hons), JD, PhD, IntDip(Comp), CAMS, FICA, CCI
Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Robert S.K. Lee, S.C. Mr. Robert S.K. Lee, S.C.
Barrister-at-Law, Cheng Huan Q.C., S.C.'s Chambers
Ms Stephentica Lee Ms Stephentica Lee
Associate, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Mr. Richard Leung Mr. Richard Leung
Barrister-at-Law, Des Voeux Chambers
Chartered Arbitrator
Accredited Mediator
Mr. Sebastian Leung Mr. Sebastian Leung
Barrister-at-Law, Bernacchi Chambers
Mr. Leung Sun Chuen Mr. Leung Sun Chuen
Fellow Member, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Former Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong
Mr. Samuel Li Mr. Samuel Li
Solicitor & Notary Public, Samuel Li & Co., Solicitors & Notaries
Mr. Weiming Li
Mr. Anthony Lim Mr. Anthony Lim
Director, Cloud Security Alliance
Dr. Francis K. Liu Dr. Francis K. Liu
SFC Registered Investment Adviser (RA4 & RA6)
Registered Financial Planner (HK & PRC)
Ms Vicky Lord Ms Vicky Lord
Partner, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Ms Eunice Lui Ms Eunice Lui
Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang's Chambers
Dr. Jimmy Ma, SBS, J.P. Dr. Jimmy Ma, SBS, J.P.
LL.M in Commercial and Corporate Law (University College of London)
LL.B. (Peking University), Ph.D. (Peking University)
Barrister-at-Law (Hong Kong), Attorney-at-Law (California, U.S.A.)
Accredited HKMAAL General Mediator
Former Legal Adviser, Legislative Council Secretariat
Mr. Ian Mann Mr. Ian Mann
Partner, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Prof. Sandra Marco Colino Prof. Sandra Marco Colino
Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Kim J. McCoy Mr. Kim J. McCoy
Founder, Hong Kong Animal Law and Protection Organisation (HKALPO)
Mr. Danny McFadden Mr. Danny McFadden
Arbitrator, Lawyer, Mediator, Trainer
CEDR Representative Asia Pacific
Vice Chair, HKMAAL Hong Kong
Designated Unconscious Bias Trainer, The World Bank Group
Mr. Gary Meggitt Mr. Gary Meggitt
MA (Oxon), MPhil (HKU), FRSA, ACII, MCIArb
Solicitor Advocate (England & Wales)
Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn)
Mediator (CEDR Accredited)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Bryan Mercurio Prof. Bryan Mercurio
Professor, Vice Chancellor's Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Law,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mr. Nelson Miu Mr. Nelson Miu
Barrister-at-Law, Sir Oswald Cheung's Chambers
Ms Jane Moir Ms Jane Moir
Mr. Amirali B. Nasir, M.H., J.P. Mr. Amirali B. Nasir, M.H., J.P.
Notary Public
Accredited Mediator
Founder, NASIRS®
Mr. Elvis C.F. Ng Mr. Elvis C.F. Ng
Director, Ravia Global Appraisal Advisory Limited
Mr. James Noble Mr. James Noble
Partner, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Ms Kate Olley Ms Kate Olley
Barrister-at-Law, Parkside Chambers
Dr. Danny Po Dr. Danny Po
Senior Advisor, Deloitte
Mr. Edward Poon Mr. Edward Poon
Barrister-at-Law, 601 Dina House
Mr. Jackson C.P. Poon Mr. Jackson C.P. Poon
Barrister-at-Law, Cheng Huan Q.C., S.C.'s Chambers
Mr. Christopher Andrew Potts Mr. Christopher Andrew Potts
Partner, Crump & Co.
Dr. Xu Qian Dr. Xu Qian
Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Department of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Mr. Sanjay A. Sakhrani Mr. Sanjay A. Sakhrani
Barrister-at-Law, 601 Dina House
CEDR and HKMAAL Accredited General Mediator
Mr. Neville Sarony, Q.C., S.C. Mr. Neville Sarony, Q.C., S.C.
Barrister-at-Law, Pi Chambers
Dr. Dini Sejko Dr. Dini Sejko
Lecturer, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School
Mr. Leo Sek Mr. Leo Sek
MBA, MGovComLaw, MAcct
Instructor, Assistant Programme Leader - BBA,
Faculty of Business,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ms Nidhi Kush Shah Ms Nidhi Kush Shah
Founder & Director, Alchemy Consulting
Mr. Gavin Shiu Mr. Gavin Shiu
Senior Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions, Hong Kong Department of Justice
Commercial Crime Specialist
Ms Cindy S.Y. Sin Ms Cindy S.Y. Sin
Barrister-at-Law (Non-Practicing)
Part-time Instructor (Law), School of Continuing and Professional Studies,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Accredited General Mediator, HKIAC & HKMAAL
Victim-Offender Professional Mediator
Mr. Michael Snape Mr. Michael Snape
Associate, Harney Westwood & Riegels (Harneys)
Mr. Albert So Mr. Albert So
Practising Solicitor
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS, USA)
Certified Financial Crimes Specialist (ACFCS, USA)
Financial Dispute Resolution Centre Mediator
Accredited General Mediator; Accredited Family Mediator
University Lecturer
Fellow of International Bar Association
Chairman of Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre
Dr. Roger So Dr. Roger So
Chartered Engineer
Accredited Mediator
Mr. Christopher Southam Mr. Christopher Southam
Former University Lecturer
Mr. Stephen Suen Mr. Stephen Suen
Barrister-at-Law, Olympia Chambers
Mr. Dicken Sy Mr. Dicken Sy
Certified Gemmolgoist (Hong Kong)
Fellow Member, Gemmological Association of Great Britain
Mr. Chris Sykes Mr. Chris Sykes
Solicitor, England & Wales
Ms Frankie Tam Ms Frankie Tam
International Technology Lawyer, Eversheds Sutherland
Ms Isabel Tam Ms Isabel Tam
Barrister-at-Law, Denis Chang's Chambers
Mr. Nelson Tang Mr. Nelson Tang
Head of Compliance Hong Kong, Chief Compliance Officer, North Asia ex-Japan,
Manulife Asset Management
Dr. Stephen Thomson Dr. Stephen Thomson
Associate Professor, ANU College of Law, The Australian National University
Miss Olivia Tsang Miss Olivia Tsang
Barrister-at-Law, Plowman Chambers
Mr. Larry Tsui
Chief Compliance Officer, Fosun Asset Management
Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff
Wei Lun Professor of Law, Dean, Graduate School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ms Belinda Wong Ms Belinda Wong
Author, Hong Kong Company Secretary Checklist
Author, Hong Kong Company Secretary’s Practice Manual
Director, Leader Corporate Services Limited
Dr. Harry Wong Dr. Harry Wong
HKIAC & HKMAAL General Mediator
ABNLP Certified NLP Master Trainer
Dispute Facilitator
Business Coach
Mr. Jason P.H. Wong Mr. Jason P.H. Wong
Ms Angie Yan Ms Angie Yan
Barrister-at-Law, Sir Oswald Cheung's Chambers
Ms Angie Yan Dr. Isaac Bruce Yang
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mr. Clemence Yeung Mr. Clemence Yeung
Ms Cordelia Yeung Ms Cordelia Yeung
Barrister-at-Law, Alan Leong, S.C.'s Chambers
Mr. Adrian Yick Mr. Adrian Yick
Co-Founder, KYC Management
Mr. Onyen Yong Mr. Onyen Yong
Director, Arsenal Consulting
Mr. Ronald Yu Mr. Ronald Yu
U.S. Patent Agent
Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong
Director & General Counsel, Gilkron Limited
Managing Director, Ronba Technology Limited
Vice President, Knowledge Management,
International Intellectual Property Commerialisation Council
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