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CPD/CPT Course:
Islamic Finance

Presented by
Mr. Amirali B. Nasir, J.P.,
Solicitor, Notary Public,
FHKIoD, Accredited Mediator,
Founder, NASIRS®

Islamic Finance
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Code: EVT000000028 Level: Intermediate
Date: 20 June 2014 (Friday) Language: English
Time: 14:30 - 17:45 Accreditation(s): LSHK 3.0 CPD Points
SFC 3.0 CPT Hours
Venue: Request for Rerun:
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Presenter's Profile:
Shaikh Amirali B. Nasir, J.P.

Amirali Nasir solicitor admitted in Hong Kong and England and Wales, founder of NASIRS® (formerly AB NASIR & CO.®).  Chairman of Islamic Finance Committee for the Law Society of Hong Kong.  Participant and speaker at local and international conferences on Islamic Finance and Takaful (London, Singapore, Malaysia, Iran, Brunei and Dubai), past lecturer on the Certificate in Islamic Finance and the Advance Certificate in Islamic Finance provided by HKU SPACE.  Participant in conferences on corporate governance in Hong Kong ["Ethics - The Core Value of Leadership" and "Corporate Governance in the Financial Sector" arranged by the ICAC] and international conferences on Corporate Governance.  Speaker at the Global Young Leaders Programme organized by the Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT).

Amirali represented NASIRS® and The Law Society of Hong Kong on 18 March 2013 at the Bills Committee meeting at the Legislative Council on the proposed amendments to the Inland Revenue and Stamp Duty Legislation (Alternative Bond Schemes) (Amendment) Bill 2012.

Amirali actively promotes continuous education, equal opportunity, racial harmony, corporate governance and ethical values for lawyers, accountants and corporations, and advocates a green attitude for a clean blue green planet.  His hobbies are neurogaming.

Course Outline:

Islamic Finance (investment) is suitable for Muslims, as well as anyone seeking alternative investments or socially responsible investments.

This seminar focus on the basic Islamic Finance principles, Islamic contracts and products in general, and more specifically Islamic contracts specified in the amendments to the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) and the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117).

The amendments to Cap. 112 and Cap. 117 will be looked at in light of these Islamic Contracts and the individual structures.


  • Introduction and background of Islamic finance
  • Basic Islamic etiquette and the origin of Islam
  • The Shari'ah principles (law of Islam) and its regards to business
    1. Halal (permissible under Islamic law) acts
    2. Harām (unlawful/forbidden under Islamic law) acts
    3. Risk management in business/prohibited transactions
  • Concept of Fiqh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transactions) and its comparison with conventional finance - money, loan, interest etc.
  • Features of Sukuk (Islamic financial certificate, commonly equivalent to bonds) and its recognition in Hong Kong
  • Recent amendments to the laws of Hong Kong in regards to Islamic finance
    1. Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap.112)
    2. Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap.117)
    3. Alternative bond scheme (bond arrangement and investment arrangement)
    4. Specified alternative bond scheme (debt arrangement)
    5. Special tax treatment on stamp duty and income/profit
  • Comparison and documentation on Islamic financial contracts
    1. Musharakah & Mudarabah (profit sharing arrangements)
    2. Ijarah (lease)
    3. Murabahah (purchase and sale)
    4. Wakalah (agency)

Footages Taken at the Event:
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Accreditation(s): LSHK 3.0 CPD Points
SFC 3.0 CPT Hours
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