CPD/RME Elective Course: Solicitors' Accounts Rules through the Nasirs® Hour-Glass Matrix℠
Presented by Mr. Amirali B. Nasir, M.H., J.P., Solicitor, Notary Public, FHKIoD, Accredited Mediator, Founder, NASIRS® |
Presenter's Profile: |
Amirali Nasir solicitor admitted in Hong Kong, and England and Wales, founder of NASIRS® (formerly AB NASIR & CO.®). Accredited mediator and regular speaker on Solicitors' Accounts, Professional Conduct, Hong Kong Civil Procedures, Risk Management, Technology in Law, Innovation and Islamic Finance.
Amirali chairs the ILAC, InnoTech Committee, Guide Working Party, Solicitors' Accounts Rules Working Party and formerly the External Examiner on "Accounts" for PCLL "Professional Practice and Management" and "Corporate and Commercial Transactions I" Examinations for The University of Hong Kong.
Amirali actively promotes continuous education, equal opportunity, racial harmony, corporate governance and ethical values for lawyers, accountants and corporations, and advocates a green attitude for a clean blue green planet. His hobbies are neurogaming.
Course Outline: |
This course aims to introduce and highlight methods for timely compliance with the Solicitors' Accounts Rules with focus on common errors, mistakes and pitfalls that are encountered by firms in the application of the Solicitors' Accounts Rules on a daily basis. There are increased risks for firms from their responsibilities to the Public, The Law Society of Hong Kong and others under the Solicitors' Accounts Rules, Anti-Money Laundering ordinances, Practice Direction P and the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct.
Common requisitions raised by Auditors in the preparation of the annual Accountant’s Report (under PN 840) and the Gross Fee Income will be explained with suggestions on changes to accounting systems on the handling and recording of client money.
Practical demonstration as well as the use of the Nasirs® Hour-Glass Matrix℠ will enable delegates to easily and effortlessly assimilate and understand the Solicitors' Accounts Rules and apply them intuitively. Microsoft Excel will also be used to explain the application of the Solicitors' Accounts Rules and accounting entries.
This course is primarily designed for law firm staff dealing with solicitors' accounts on a day-to-day basis and those interested in the management of client money and compliance with the Solicitors' Accounts Rules.
Contents: |
- Introduce the Nasirs® Hour-Glass Matrix℠
- Demonstration on the requirements of each rule and how they work in practice
- Procedures, common errors and pitfalls
- Meaning of Authorised signatory for vouchers, cheque books and online bankings
- Problems with electronic payments
- Solicitors/Accountants' duties and responsibility
- Preparing Gross Fee Income Report & Accountant's Report
- Obligation to keep proper books with examples on client account ledger
- Discussion on preparation of monthly Reconciliation Accounts
- Relevant sources of law and regulation:
- Solicitors' Accounts Rules (Cap.159F)
- Accountant's Report Rules (Cap.159A)
- HKICPA Practice Note 840
- Hong Kong Solicitors' Guide
- Practice Directions A(3)
- Manual on Solicitor's Accounting
- FAQ on Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
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Telephone: +852 3118 2371 | Facsimile: +852 3118 2372 Postal Address: P.O. Box 9993, General Post Office, Hong Kong |